KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Women Politicians in Participation and Participation of Women's Voices in Election 2019

Published date: Jul 18 2023

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: Transdisciplinary Symposium on Business, Economics, and Communication (TSBEC 2022)

Pages: 177–192

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v8i12.13662


Kornelia of Social Sciences and Business, Dian Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia

Soemiadeny .Faculty of Social Sciences and Business, Dian Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia

Suswinda NingsihFaculty of Social Sciences and Business, Dian Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia


Female voters outnumber male voters. However, until now, many female politicians who had failed to compete in the general election with male politicians. However, what factors make women’s voices in the 2019 general election whitewash, remains a questionable. The informants were taken from residents of DKI Jakarta, who represented Central Jakarta, Jakarta, South Jakarta, West Jakarta, North Jakarta, and East Jakarta that female voters chose female politicians based on attractive visuals, the party where the female politician joined, the vision and mission. There are also who choose based on advice from friends and some even choose on their own without a good reason. In addition, mass media and social media also play a role in influencing the election of female politicians. Framing carried out by the mass media or imaging in the media will greatly affect female voters in determining their choice. Meanwhile, for the mass media, it is clear that they are not in favor of women politicians. The framing given often focuses on the sexuality of female politicians rather than on their performance or intelligence. In social media, many politicians are highlighted by netizens from the point of view of their beauty. This has a negative impact that affects female voters in determining their choice in the 2019 election.

Keywords: female voters, female politicians, 2019 election


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