KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

The Ownership of Latrines in Southeast Sulawesi in 2020

Published date: May 26 2023

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: International Conference on Advance & Scientific Innovation (ICASI)

Pages: 458–464

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v8i9.13358


Ramadhan of Magister of Public Health, Postgraduate Halu Oleo University Indonesia

Sumarti .Department of Magister of Public Health, Postgraduate Halu Oleo University Indonesia

Ade Nurul AmaliaDepartment of Magister of Public Health, Postgraduate Halu Oleo University Indonesia

Muh. Kemal Ikhsan RusydiDepartment of Magister of Public Health, Postgraduate Halu Oleo University Indonesia

Adelfima Marwah HamzahDepartment of Magister of Public Health, Postgraduate Halu Oleo University Indonesia

Adelfima Marwah HamzahDepartment of Magister of Public Health, Postgraduate Halu Oleo University Indonesia


One environmental health and environmental sanitation problem in developing countries is latrine sanitation. In Southeast Sulawesi, the number of household heads with access to proper sanitation (Healthy Latrines) is 754,914 heads of families. This study aims to describe how proper sanitation ownership (Healthy Latrines) in Southeast Sulawesi Province is represented. The study uses observations with a descriptive approach. The results indicate that Kendari and Baubau had a higher percentage of healthy latrines ownership in Southeast Sulawesi in 2020, a number of 100% . Also, the Regency of North Konawe has a low percentage of healthy latrine ownership, only 53%. It is expected that the government can be more encouraging and assist in manufacturing latrines for each head of the family.

Keywords: Sanitatiom, Latrine, Healthy


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