KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Public Trust Analysis of Vaccination Covid-19 Policy in Indonesia
Published date: Mar 06 2023
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: IAPA 2022 International Conference and International Indonesia Conference on Interdisciplinary Studies (IICIS)
Pages: 93–103
The Covid-19 vaccination program in Indonesia had been started since early 2021. Effectiveness, side effects, and the level of public awareness are still a problem in achieving the predetermined Covid-19 vaccination target. the study aimed to describe the level of public confidence in the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccine. The vaccine is an effective intervention that can reduce the high burden of disease globally. However, public skepticism about vaccines is a pressing issue for public health authorities. With the availability of the Covid-19 vaccine, there is little information available about public acceptance and attitudes toward the Covid-19 vaccine in Indonesia. The method used in this research is a Literature Review study. The results of this study are low-public trust or low trust in the vaccination policy itself, especially in the early days of the presence of vaccines in Indonesia. This low-public trust is much influenced by the distribution of information on social media which gives rise to a narrative of debate. This situation also has an impact on the pattern of acceptance, cooperative interest, and public participation in government policies in the vaccination program, in increasing public trust, of course, there is a role for the media as well to provide education and information on all matters related to the vaccination program. The government’s efforts to cooperate with the Indonesian Ulema Council in supervising halal vaccine products seem to have an influential intensity, this is because Indonesia is a country with the majority of the population converts to Islam, so with the MUI fatwa stating that vaccines used for the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia are considered and monitored for purity. But as time goes on and the government continues to make efforts, the public’s confidence in the COVID-19 vaccination is getting better, and the success of preventing COVID-19 is going well.
Keywords: public trust, vaccination, Covid-19, policy
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