KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Identification of Factors Character Building of Millennial Undergraduate Students in PTKIN Aceh

Published date: Mar 03 2023

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: 2nd Paris Van Java International Seminar on Health, Economics, Social Science and Humanities (PVJ-ISHESSH 2021)

Pages: 141–150

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v8i4.12893


Nurmawati . -

Chery Julida Panjaitan

Khairul Amri


Basically, a person’s character has been built since early childhood. The character can change along with civilization. Technology has a big role in character building of the millennial undergraduate students. Therefore, this research aimed to identify the factors character building of millennial undergraduate students in higher Islamic educational institutions in Aceh. Character is the disposition, behavior, mental characteristics, moral, personality, and character of a person that becomes self-identity. The study was conducted with qualitative research through descriptive research methods that describe the factors of character building. The population and sample of this study were undergraduate students of UIN ar-Raniry, IAIN Langsa, and STAIN Gajah Putih Takengon who represented the entire PTKIN millennial undergraduate students in Aceh. Instrument of collecting data are interviews and observations. The data obtained were analyzed by data triangulation to test the validity of the research data obtained. Based on research data, there are several factors which identify character building of millennial undergraduate students, namely: interference from parents in making choices, the environment during study in higher education, and adversity quotient (ability to overcome various difficulties) through their intelligence.

Keywords: Character building; early childhood; millennial


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