KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

A Consistent Implementation of IFRS 13 and IAS 36 for Non-current Assets

Published date: Feb 01 2023

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: Economies of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries (EBEEC)

Pages: 271–297

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v8i1.12651


Paris PatsisAdjunct Lecturer, University of Western Macedonia

Angelos Liapisliapis.angelos@aueb.grMSc Athens University of Economics and Business

Galanos ChristosAdjunct Lecturer, Panteion University


There is much debate for both the academic community and accounting professionals with respect to the use of fair value and cost accounting, as well as the application of impairment to current and non-current assets. Fair value and impairment are two related concepts, the reason being that in order to proceed with the latter, the current market price of an asset should first be measured. IAS 36 came into force to stipulate that no asset should be valued above its current actual value. Assets’ revaluation affects not only the companies’ outcome but also the applied depreciation method, which must be adjusted accordingly to the new data. Assets that cannot be measured to their fair value, in accordance with the IAS instructions, are grouped to form identifiable units within the company that was able to generate cash inflows and be tested for impairment as a whole. In this article, we focused on presenting a methodology from a technical approach on these issues, whilst at the same time remaining compatible with the principles of both accounting and finance. Real-life data from existing companies have been used not only for the valuation of the same following their transformation into cash-generated units, but also for non-current assets by controlling both the impairment and the depreciation process. We use cash flow generation models through the business plan process and apply certainty and uncertainty techniques such as sensitivity analysis and Monte Carlo simulation. After having reviewed the estimations and bearing in mind the structure of the model, we have concluded that specific parameters are affecting the fair value measurement on non-current assets. The value of this article is to develop a methodology that can be easily applied to different companies and is compatible with the spirit and provisions of both the international accounting standards as well as those of financial accounting.

Keywords: FVA, cost accounting, finance, impairment, OR


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