KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Technical and Scale Efficiency of farms producing grapes for wine

Published date: Feb 01 2023

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: Economies of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries (EBEEC)

Pages: 102–118

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v8i1.12638


Effrosyni Sapardanidagro00003@uowm.grUniversity of Western Macedonia, School of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Agriculture, Greece

Katerina MelfouUniversity of Western Macedonia, School of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Agriculture, Greece

Fotios ChatzitheodoridisUniversity of Western Macedonia, School of Economic Sciences, Department of Regional Development and Cross-Border Studies, Greece

Achilleas KontogeorgosInternational Hellenic University, Department of Agriculture, Greece


climatechange and the subsequent requirements to comply with environmental standards, continuoustechnological change, and the need to adapt it, adjust, and remain competitive. The COVID-19 pandemic and the economic hardship it brought about, followed by the current energy crisis,make it imperative to address issues of competitiveness and efficiency of farm units. Theseunfavorable developments particularly affect mountainous and disadvantaged rural areassuch as the Region of Western Macedonia in Greece. Furthermore, the decarbonizationprocess that this region is undergoing, leads to a period of uncertainty, especially in relationto employment. The cultivation of vineyards and wine production are dominant economicactivities with Xinomavro being the main grape for wine variety. The efficiency of grape-producing farms are considered important for the whole wine supply chain. The objective of this paper is to estimate the technical and scale efficiency of wine-related agricultural firms in the region of Western Macedonia, by applying the DEA methodology. An output-oriented empirical model was applied for the estimation of technical and scale efficiency of farms producing grapes for wine.

Keywords: technical efficiency, scale efficiency, wine grape cultivation, Western Macedonia, wineries


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