KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

The Correlation Between Social Support and Adversity Quotient in Young Mothers with 0-1 Year Old Babies During The Covid-19 Pandemic

Published date: Nov 21 2022

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: International Conference of Psychology 2022 (ICoPsy 2022)

Pages: 66–79

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v7i18.12378


Ameliya Alfirdosi -

Nur Eva

Fonny Dameaty Hutagalung

Henizar Rif'atur Rosyida


Infant mortality is one of the world’s most serious health problems. Under normal conditions, infant mortality in Indonesia is still a serious concern and is increasingly becoming a major challenge, especially in the current pandemic situation. The government has designated COVID-19 as a national nonnatural disaster and stated that there was an increase in infant mortality during the pandemic. One of the factors in the high number of infant mortality is early marriage. The initial interview indicated that some mothers experience problems and anxiety in caring for babies aged 0-1 years during the COVID-19 pandemic which is expected to affect the mental health of mothers. The study aimed to find out the adversity quotient and social support in young mothers with children aged 0-1 years during the covid-19 pandemic, and to find out the relationship between adversity quotient and social support. The methods used in this research are descriptive analysis and correlational analysis. The sample number in the study was 124 respondents. The measurement instruments in this study were 50 items on the adversity quotient scale and 12 items on social support scales that had a reliability of .969 and .915, respectively. The results showed that most young mothers with children 0-1 years old during the pandemic had adversity quotient and social support that belonged to the high category. There is a positive and significant association between social support and quotient adversity in young mothers with children 0-1 years old during the pandemic times. Keywords: social support, adversity quotien


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