KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
The Influence of E-Government Services on Corruption in Indonesia and Malaysia
Published date: Nov 08 2022
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: Science and Technology Research Symposium (SIRES)
Pages: 222–234
This study aimed to examine the relationship between the components of e-government services and corruption in Malaysia and Indonesia. Many efforts have been made by governments of both countries to provide sophisticated e-government platforms and public participations towards the anti-corruption strategy. However, cases of corruption in Indonesia and Malaysia have not shown declining trends. A total of 240 questionnaires were distributed to respondents in Indonesia and Malaysia. Mann-Whitney U was used to compare e-government services and corruption between Indonesia and Malaysia. Interestingly, results reveal that there was a difference in the e-government model between Indonesia and Malaysia settings. In Malaysia, G2G and G2C have a significant effect on corruption, but in Indonesia, G2B and G2C have significant effect with corruption.
Keywords: e-government, government to government (G2G), government to business (G2B), government to citizenship (G2C), anti-corruption.
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