KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Drought Indices to Map Forest Fire Risks in Topographically Complex Mountain Landscapes

Published date: Oct 12 2022

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: 3rd International Conference on Geography and Education (ICGE)

Pages: 197–209

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v7i16.12167


Ike Sari Geography, State University of Malang. 65145. Malang. Indonesia

Imam Abdul Gani AlfariziDepartment Geography, State University of Malang. 65145. Malang. Indonesia

Gilang Aulia HerlambangDepartment Geography, State University of Malang. 65145. Malang. Indonesia

Gilang Aulia HerlambangDepartment Geography, State University of Malang. 65145. Malang. Indonesia

Rudi HartonoDepartment Geography, State University of Malang. 65145. Malang. Indonesia

Hetty Rahmawati SucahyoDepartment Geography, State University of Malang. 65145. Malang. Indonesia

Bagus Setiabudi WiwohoDepartment Geography, State University of Malang. 65145. Malang. Indonesia


Drought has the potential to lead to forest fires. Forest fires generally occur during the dry season when the mountain slope forest experiences a water deficit. Drought identification based on remote sensing is useful for mapping potential fires in Arjuno- Welirang Forest and TNBTS Forest (in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park). This research used Landsat-8 images in 118/065 and 118/066 in August and November 2015-2018. Validation data were obtained using high resolution planet scope images and rainfall data. Three drought indices were tested to identify fires, namely TVDI, VHI and NDDI. The indices were tested visually using high resolution images and tested meteorologically using SPI. From the results of the accuracy test and correlation, TVDI had the highest accuracy in the Arjuno-Welirang forest (96% accurate), while the best index for TNBTS was the VHI index (96% accurate).

Keywords: drought indices, TVDI, VHI, NDDI, forest fires, Indonesia


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