KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Toponymic and Historiography Influences on Place Naming of Villages in Klego District, Indonesia
Published date: Oct 12 2022
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: 3rd International Conference on Geography and Education (ICGE)
Pages: 89–100
Place naming creates a link between language, culture, and ideas. This study sought to conduct an assessment of the naming process for villages and hamlets in Klego District, Boyolali Regency, Central Java Province. The study attempted to find naming patterns based on geographical appearance (toponym) and social culture or history (historiography). In addition, the study sought to find the structure of signs and meanings which those villages and hamlets used in naming. A qualitative-descriptive approach was used. Data were collected using interviews with stakeholders and local communities considered to be knowledgeable in the etymology of local names in their area. The results showed that the toponym and historiography of villages and hamlets in Klego District, Boyolali Regency were broadly based on physical, social, and cultural aspects. The physical aspects involved a) biological elements, b) hydrological elements, and c) geomorphological elements. The social aspects involved a) specific places, b) past activities, c) hope, d) the name of historical buildings, and e) the name of famous figures. The cultural aspects involved legends or folklore. However, there were many people in the area who did not know the toponymical and historiographical processes involved in local place naming. Our research showed that this was the result of low public knowledge of the meaning and origin of toponymy and historiography in the area.
Keywords: toponymy, historiography, naming patterns, public perception
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