KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

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Industrial Relations Mediator As an Effort to Settle Industrial Relations Disputes After the Covid-19 Pandemic

Published date: Oct 04 2022

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: 3rd International Conference on Law Reform (3rd INCLAR)

Pages: 525–536

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v7i15.12127


Asri Wijayantiasri.wijayanti@fh.umUniversity Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia

Chamdani .University Wijaya Putra, Surabaya, Indonesia

Budi EndartoUniversity Wijaya Putra, Surabaya, Indonesia

Sekaring Ayumeida KusnadiUniversity Wijaya Putra, Surabaya, Indonesia

Nobella .University Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia


The COVID-19 pandemic had both positive and negative impacts on all areas of people’s lives. One of the negative impacts is the emergence of industrial relations disputes. Efforts to settle industrial relations dispute formally have been regulated in Law 2/2004. Industrial relations mediators have a vital role in resolving industrial relations disputes. This study aims to analyze the existence of industrial relations mediators in an effort to resolve these disputes. This research is a normative juridical approach to legislation and cases from the decision of the Industrial Relations Court at the Surabaya District Court number 111/Pdt-Sus PHI/2020/PN SBY. The results indicated that the existence of industrial relations mediators was strongly influenced by the quality of the substance of the legal product. The written recommendation of the Manpower Office of Probolinggo City Number 34/PHI/II/2022 has suggested that employers provide 3 months of severance pay to the workers. The labor relations mediator of Probolinggo city was not careful in categorizing the substance of the object of the dispute, namely the termination of employment because the company closed and suffered losses, in accordance with the provisions of article 164 paragraph (1) of the labor law.

Keywords: written recommendation, mediator, industrial relation dispute


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