KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

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Green Economy as a Law for the Economic Recovery Post Covid-19 Amidst the Increasing Cross-border E-commerce in Indonesia

Published date: Oct 04 2022

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: 3rd International Conference on Law Reform (3rd INCLAR)

Pages: 25–42

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v7i15.12072


Ahmad Sabirin - -

Ariyoza Aryaputera Budi,

Febrian Duta Adhiyaksa

Bianca Putri Aurelya

Sabila Ridwan

Jihad Ramadhan Lesmana

Fahreza Destiro Alifta


The development of information technology pushed the economic ecosystem toward digital. The convenience provided in online shopping through e-commerce has increased the number of trades in Indonesia. Currently, economic activities are not only carried out domestically but also occur in non-domestic trade. This digitalization brings high competitiveness to domestic and non-domestic business actors. This paper aims to convey that the Green Economy policy is a solution to increase the acceleration of economic recovery in Indonesia post Covid-19 pandemic. The paper is used for normative juridical research. According to Indonesia’s economic records, online trade transactions grew in a positive direction during the Covid-19 pandemic, reaching 70 percent throughout 2020 and in 2022, Lazada reported 73% customers in Southeast Asia see online shopping as a part of their daily life. If we see, although there is an increase, it is not significant. On this occasion, regulatory reforms are needed in order to help accelerate the Indonesian digital economy post the pandemic. However, this law is deemed insufficient so regulations and/or legal norms that specifically regulate digital trade are needed, especially regarding cross-border e-commerce. Besides, trade activities are closely related to monopolistic and unfair competition, so it is necessary to form binding agreements both within Indonesia and international countries to prevent any acts of abuse of international trade progress. In achieving this goal, it is not only the role of the government but also necessary steps such as the establishment of green regulation, green government, and green e-commerce.

Keywords: green economy, economic recovery, cross-border e-commerce, post Covid-19


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