KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Development of Marketing Mix in Tourism With Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in the Tourist Area of Kerinci Regency
Published date: Aug 01 2022
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: 2nd Virtual Conference on Social Science In Law, Political Issue and Economic Development
Pages: 378–385
The current travel trends are increasingly inclined to the “back to nature” concept. In Kerinci Regency, Indonesia, tourism is expected to contribute to the area’s economic growth. The present study was conducted to analyze the factors in the marketing mix in tourism that influence the perceived ease of use of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in using travel applications. The study uses primary data obtained or collected independently directly from the source through a questionnaire and interviews with 400 respondents. The TAM was tested using SEM (Structural Equation modeling) with Amos 25. The results showed that the variable price and people had a significant effect on the TAM. Additionally, the TAM influences people’s intention to use travel applications.
Keywords: marketing mix tourism, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), intention to use travel application
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