KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Brain Mapping and Visual Attention on Cigarette Packs Based on Electroencephalography and Human Eye Tracker between Teen Smokers and Nonsmokers

Published date: Aug 01 2022

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: 2nd Virtual Conference on Social Science In Law, Political Issue and Economic Development

Pages: 110–119

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v7i12.11510


Emma of Health Sciences Uhamka, Jl Limau II Kebayoran Baru Jakarta, Indonesia

Rizki Edmi EdisonPusat Neurosains Uhamka, Jl Gandaria IV no 24 kebayoran Baru Jakarta, Indonesia

Mouhamad BigwantoFaculty of Health Sciences Uhamka, Jl Limau II Kebayoran Baru Jakarta, Indonesia


Background: An effort to prevent teenage smoking behavior was made by placing pictorial health warnings (PHW) on cigarette packages. Scientific data related to teenagers’ smoking behavior need to be supported. However, the difference between the brain activities of smokers and nonsmokers is not yet known.

Purpose: This study describes and compares the brain activity and visual attention between smoking and nonsmoking teenagers.

Methods: The study examined 16 teenagers (seven smokers, nine nonsmokers) aged 13–18 years at the Central Laboratory of Neuroscience Uhamka (PNU) in September– October 2021. Their brain activity was measured using electroencephalography (EEG) in a resting state for approximately 10 minutes. The EEG electrodes were installed based on the 10–20 International Systems approach. Furthermore, PHW were demonstrated to participants with the concept of go/no-go for 5 minutes based on Human Eye Tracker (HET) technology.

Results: The results showed differences in visual attention to the PHW on cigarette packages. In addition, smokers compared to nonsmokers were inclined to avoid the PHW. However, the brain activity between the two groups did not differ in terms of brain wave patterns, especially in the forebrain, in Delta, Theta, or Gamma waves.

Conclusion: Considering the differences in visual attention, it is necessary to redesign the PHW on cigarette packages so that smokers can no longer avoid the image to suppress smoking behavior. In addition, explaining the differences in brain activity, the duration of smoking, and the level of addiction to cigarettes need to be sharpened.


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