KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
The Effect of Quality-controlled Communication on Employee Performance at a Local Manufacturing Company in Mojokerto, Indonesia
Published date: Aug 01 2022
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: 2nd Virtual Conference on Social Science In Law, Political Issue and Economic Development
Pages: 1–10
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of quality-controlled (QC) communication on the performance of employees of the production division of PT. Indopack Printing Mojokerto. A mini audit was done on the day-to-day communication used for the management, organization, correspondence, and feedback purposes in the department. The study used a quantitative descriptive method and the study population was 390 employees from the department. The sample size was 80 employees and the technique used was proportional random sampling. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression formulas. The results showed that employee performance was influenced by the variables such as management, organization, communication, and feedback. This was reinforced by an R-square of 86.5%. Therefore, if the QC communication is improved, employee performance will increase in terms of quality, quantity, and time management, thereby minimizing the decline in the production quality and complaints related to it.
Keywords: communication mini audit, quality control, employee performance
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