KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Afroz Shah's Ecosophy on Youtube.Com: An Ecolinguistics Perspective

Published date: Jul 04 2022

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: The 1st International Student Conference on Linguistics: Trends and Future Perspectives in Linguistics Study

Pages: 10-20

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v7i10.11270


Kiki Nurwahyunikikinw4@gmail.comMaster of Linguistics, Universitas Warmadewa

Aron Meko MbeteMaster of Linguistics, Universitas Warmadewa

Mirsa UmiyatiMaster of Linguistics, Universitas Warmadewa


Language cannot be separated from the environment where we live by, because they have relationship with one another. When discussing how to protect the environment, it has to do with human wisdom or self-realization, which is influenced by Gandhi’s teachings on self-realization and nonviolence, as well as the Mahayana Buddhist distinction between the small ego-self and the expansive Self of Buddha. This research was aimed to decribe Afroz Shah’s utterances that contains ecosophy on The primary source of data in this research was taken from youtube video, while the secondary data was from books and journals to support to this research. It used a qualitative descriptive method in conjunction with Arne Naess’ ecosophy theory. The data was gathered by downloading an Afroz Shah video from, watching it, reading and checking the video script, taking notes and underlining the data, re-watching and re-checking the data, and capturing, coding, and reducing the data. The data were presented, described, interpreted, and concluded using data analysis techniques. Based on the findings and discussion, the researcher came to the conclusion that Afroz Shah’s ecosophy can be divided into four categories: norms, rules, postulates, and value priority announcements.

Keywords: ecolinguistics, ecosophy, self realization


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