KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Self Acceptance in Parents of Children with Autism

Published date: Apr 08 2022

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: International Conference Transdisciplinary Paradigm on Islamic Knowledge (ICONIK 2020)

Pages: 453-461

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v7i8.10764


Mansur Managemenr, Institut Agama Islam Negeri, Kendari, Indonesia

Ros MasyasariIslamic Counseling Guidance, Institut Agama Islam Negeri, Kendari, Indonesia

Faizah Binti AwadIslamic Counseling Guidance, Institut Agama Islam Negeri, Kendari, Indonesia

Asriyanti AsriyantiIslamic Counseling Guidance, Institut Agama Islam Negeri, Kendari, Indonesia


This paper focuses on the self acceptance of parents who have children with autism. The number of people with autism continues to experience an upward trend, which means that the number of parents of children with autism also continues to grow. In the early phase after the child is diagnosed as autistic, the family may find it hard to accept the reality, including both parents, even though the child needs assistance from their parents. In the early stages of diagnosis, parents may feel shock and assign blame, but gradually they are able to build self acceptance and a positive attitude. Some of these parents come to Kendis City Service Center in Kendari. The results of this study showed that the steps taken by parents in achieving long-term self acceptance include working through the stages of rejection, anger, bargaining and acceptance. Patience and tolerance in the acceptance process contribute greatly so that parents of children with autism can accept the reality that befell their child. From patience and tawakkal, parents of children with autism can control their anger and rejection and transform these into acceptance.

Keywords: self acceptance, parents, autism, patience, tawakkal


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