KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

EFL Students’ Use of the Verb ‘See’: A Conceptual Metaphor Analysis

Published date: Mar 28 2022

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: International English Language Teachers and Lecturers (iNELTAL) Conference 2021

Pages: 268–280

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v7i7.10669


Nanang Negeri Malang

Durotun NasihahUniversitas Islam Malang


This study investigated Indonesian EFL university students’ use of conceptual metaphor with the English perception verb ‘see’. The idea of a conceptual metaphor refers to how people understand someone's idea represented by linguistics elements. The use of perception verbs in everyday life combined with other words that do not correlate with the five senses can inform readers of the state of language use in certain contexts. The methods employed in this research were descriptive and qualitative. The data were collected from the essays of Indonesian EFL university students (n = 27 students and 390 essays) and were processed and analyzed using AntFileConverter and AntConc concordance software. The researchers classified the perception verb ‘see’ based on its form, structure and meaning, and analyzed the conceptual metaphors. Five concepts of metaphors were found for the English perception verb ‘see’, including impression, fantasy, understanding, assumption, and prediction. 

Keywords: conceptual metaphors, source domain, target domain, English perception verb, verb ‘see’ 


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