KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Authentic Assessment: Is It Good to Be Implemented in My Classroom?

Published date: Mar 28 2022

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: International English Language Teachers and Lecturers (iNELTAL) Conference 2021

Pages: 261–267

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v7i7.10668


Syafira Alfianisyafra.firamj.alfiani@gmail.comUniversitas Negeri Malang

Primardiana Hermilia WijayatiUniversitas Negeri Malang


Since curriculum 2013 is implemented in Indonesia, teachers have changed the way they give task as well assess the students. Referring to the new curriculum, all of the tasks and assessments should include high order thinking skill (HOTS). However, up to now, there are some teachers who find it difficult to develop task that really reflect high order thinking skill, such as authentic task. Based on previous research, some teachers claim that authentic task cannot be employed as it is considered time consuming. This paper uses descriptive quantitative method which involved twelve junior high school English teachers in two different junior high schools in Sumenep to investigate their understanding about authentic assessment and how they implemented it in their classrooms. The results of the study show that in general, teachers have a good knowledge of authentic assessment. However, there are some obstacles in the implementation level due to some factors, namely students’ critical thinking, the problem with the rubric, and the fact that this type of assessment can be time consuming. 

Keywords: authentic assessment, classroom task, curriculum, HOTS 


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