KnE Medicine

ISSN: 2519-125X

The latest conference proceedings on all fields of medicine.

Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Body Mass Index in Nursing Students in the University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Published date: Mar 08 2023

Journal Title: KnE Medicine

Issue title: 2nd International Conference on Medical Health Science (2nd ICMEDH)

Pages: 333–342

DOI: 10.18502/kme.v3i2.13068


Zahid Fikri - -

Khikmatul Mu'jizah

Yuven Yoga Pratama


Obesity in developing countries is an epidemic at almost all age levels. The prevalence of obesity continues to increase with age and can reach its peak in adulthood. Increased Body Mass Index (BMI) has a close relationship with poor sleep quality. Increasing body weight (BB) in adolescence will cause an increase in the number of fat cells. The research design used in this study was experimental research,. In conducting our research, we focused on the influence of the variables. The population that we used in this study was the UMM nursing students in the class of 2017-2019, with a total of 495 students. The technique we used in this study was multi-stage (cluster) sampling to reach a proportional sample size through a probability proportional to size (PPS). The number of respondents we got was 71 students. Data collection was done online through private messages sent to the class leader or commander level of each class and distributed a questionnaire. The results shown were that the two variables had no relationship. Based on the Spearman’a rho correlation test, the significance value or sig.2-tailed = 0.897, where the value is greater than α (0.05). The results of this study indicated that the strength of the relationship was (-0.016), which means that the relationship between sleep quality and BMI has a very weak relationship or correlation and the relationship between the two variables is unidirectional. In conclusion, there is no relationship between sleep quality and body mass index in UMM Nursing undergraduate students.

Keywords: sleep quality, body mass index, student


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