KnE Medicine
ISSN: 2519-125X
The latest conference proceedings on all fields of medicine.
Stress in Adolescents During the Pandemic
Published date:Mar 08 2023
Journal Title: KnE Medicine
Issue title: 2nd International Conference on Medical Health Science (2nd ICMEDH)
Due to COVID-19 the Indonesian Government issued a policy for Indonesian students to carry out learning activities from home. Teenagers are one of the main victims of the effects of the quarantine strategy, so they are vulnerable to various mental health problems. This study aimed to find out the relationship between the factors in stress levels in adolescents in the Public Health Center. This cross-sectional study was conducted in Juny 2021 until August 2021 at Public Health Center and involves 170 respondents. The sample was filled in questionnaires based on six variables studied: age 13-24 years, gender, education level consisting of middle school, high school, and college, sleep quality, academic burden, and online learning with stress levels. Furthermore, this research conducted data analysis and coding, which was then compiled in the discussion. The study used primary data by filling out Google forms independently and then analyzed using a univariate test, and bivariate analysis tests and then processed using SPSS. The chi-square statistical test found a relationship between the variables of gender, online learning system, academic load, and sleep quality with levels, namely sig values = 0.019; 0.018; 0.001; 0.002. Meanwhile, the age and education level variables were not found to correlate with stress levels with sig values = 0.376 and 0.240. After the multivariate test, the results obtained were not significant (P > 0.05). It was concluded that the results of this study were clinically significant but not statistically significant. There was a relationship between gender, online learning system, academic load, and sleep quality on stress levels in adolescents. Further study is needed on other factors that can affect the stress levels of adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as economic, social and social interaction. The Public Health Center is expected to form a consulting team or work with psychologists and psychiatrists that aims to be a forum for consultation on mental health and reduce stress cases in adolescents. Furthermore, school-age and teenage health programs can work together with mental-health programs to conduct stress screening in adolescents.
Keywords: stress, adolescents, COVID 19, online learning
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