KnE Medicine
ISSN: 2519-125X
The latest conference proceedings on all fields of medicine.
The Relationship Between Sociodemographic Factors and Self Management in Stroke Patients
Published date: Sep 15 2022
Journal Title: KnE Medicine
Issue title: The International Conference of Medicine and Health (ICMEDH)
Pages: 774–781
Stroke is very common in society and can cause physical disability and even death. Stroke can be affected by poor self-management. Sociodemographic factors can influence self-management. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between sociodemographic factors and self-management in stroke patients. This study used an observational approach with a cross-sectional design. 64 people were recruited using purposive sampling. The inclusion criteria included patients with a stroke diagnosis, who were conscious and able to communicate both verbally and in writing. Data collection was through the SSMQ questionnaire and data analysis involved the Chi-square test. The results indicated that most of the respondents had good self-management (64.1%). There was no significant influence of age (p = 0.111), gender (p = 0.885), occupation (p = 0.596), stroke duration (p = 0.182) or education (p = 0.588) on self-management. Income had a significant relationship with self-management of (p = 0.044).
Keywords: sociodemography, self management, stroke
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