KnE Materials Science
ISSN: 2519-1438
The latest conference proceedings on physical materials, energy materials, electrical materials.
Clinical assessment of xenograft combined with knitted TiNi-based mesh implant in femoropopliteal bypass surgery: a Case Report
Published date: Jul 17 2017
Journal Title: KnE Materials Science
Issue title: Shape Memory Biomaterials and Implants in Medicine (SMBIM)
Pages: 410-417
Treatment of patients with peripheral artery diseases is one of the most difficult issues in vascular surgery. The overall prevalence of peripheral arterial disease varies from 3-10% among the population aged 40-59 years old and among people over 70 years old - up to 15-20%. In the majority of cases atherosclerosis is the main cause of peripheral arterial disease. Autovein is considered a prosthesis of choice and is the most commonly used graft in the bypass surgery. However, it has been deemed impossible in 30% of cases due to its diameter, length or varicose lesions. Despite the technical advances, has not yet developed an ideal vascular prosthesis. Thus, there is a need of search for new materials and modifications of available materials, with the goal of creating a prosthesis for properties close to ideal. In this article we present first case report in the world about usage xenograft with protective external tubular mesh made from superelastic shape-memory nitinol as bypass material. This case shows that the xenoprosthesis with external tubular nitinol mesh support for prophylaxis of aneurysm formation can be used as vascular conduits in bypass surgery. Further randomized controlled trials needed.
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