KnE Material Sciences

ISSN: 2519-1438

The latest conference proceedings on physical materials, energy materials, electrical materials.

The Using of Technogenic Waste from Ferroalloy Production

Published date: Dec 31 2020

Journal Title: KnE Material Sciences

Issue title: IV Congress “Fundamental Research and Applied Developing of Recycling and Utilization Processes of Technogenic Formations” Volume 2020

Pages: 451–455

DOI: 10.18502/kms.v6i1.8124


Vladimir Ivanovich Zhuchkovntm2000@mail.ruInstitute of Metallurgy of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 101, Amundsen street, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Alexandr Vladimirovich SychevInstitute of Metallurgy of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 101, Amundsen street, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Oleg Vadi- movich ZayakinInstitute of Metallurgy of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 101, Amundsen street, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Leopold Igorevich LeontievPresidium of RAS, Moscow, Russia


When ferroalloys are produced, a large number of coproducts are also formed: slag, riddlings of small fractions of ore raw materials and finished products (ferroalloys), sludge, dust and a number of other materials. Their use and processing allows for reduced consumption of the original minerals, thereby increasing the efficiency of the main production and reducing environmental pollution. As a result, both enterprise costs in the form of environmental payments for emissions and waste disposal, as well as government costs associated with environmental measures are reduced. However, the scale of use of ferroalloy production wastes is relatively small. The replacement of the main and auxiliary equipment with new, environmentally friendly equipment, can promote to significantly reduce or completely eliminate hazardous emissions and the generation of unclaimed production waste. It is necessary to organize the use of blast furnace gas from ore reduction furnaces for preheating and partial recovery of elements of charge materials.

Keywords: waste, ferroalloy production, utilization


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