KnE Material Sciences
ISSN: 2519-1438
The latest conference proceedings on physical materials, energy materials, electrical materials.
Power and Resourse Efficient Envoronmentally Safe Technology for Processing Dumps of Technogenic Waste From Ore-Dressing and Processing Enterprises
Published date: Dec 31 2020
Journal Title: KnE Material Sciences
Issue title: IV Congress “Fundamental Research and Applied Developing of Recycling and Utilization Processes of Technogenic Formations” Volume 2020
Pages: 319–325
This research proposes a systematic approach for the analysis of volumes, physicochemical, granulometric, lithologic and thermal characteristics of waste from ore-dressing and processing enterprises stored in the dumps (tailing dumps) of ore-dressing and processing plants to assess the economic potential of its use in the system of complex power and resource efficient environmentally safe processing including palletizing machines, conveyor indurating machines and ore–thermal furnaces. The obtained results allow the authors to formulate the basic engineering, technological, economic and environmental requirements for complex chemical and power engineering systems of processing technogenic waste from ore-dressing and processing plants, these results make it also possible to define the degree of variability for the characteristics of the waste lots from various dumps. The paper describes the developed intensional and mathematical formulations for the multiscale problem of optimizing chemical and power engineering processes of technogenic raw materials processing in a complex chemical and power engineering system as a problem for discrete dynamic programming. The distinctive feature of this problem is to take into account the spatio-temporal multistage processing in a moving multilayer mass of pelletized raw material, the intensity of the process of internal moisture transfer and the variables for the control flow of the heat carrier gas. It allows increasing power efficiency by intensifying heat and mass transfer processes of multilayer drying, calcination and sintering. The criterion of the efficiency is the minimum cost of electric and thermal energy spent on processing. The obtained results were used to calculate power efficient environmentally safe processing of technogenic waste from ore-dressing and processing enterprises dumps. It was defined that heat and mass transfer processes are intensified, power consumption is reduced and the quality of the finished product is increased in the conditions of optimal power and resource efficient operation for the processing system.
Keywords: tecnhogenic waste, waste processing, ore-dressing and processing plant, power and resource efficiency, optimization, system analysis, environmentally safety
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