KnE Material Sciences
ISSN: 2519-1438
The latest conference proceedings on physical materials, energy materials, electrical materials.
Hydrometallurgical Processing of the Wastes of Polymetallic Ore Dressing
Published date: Dec 31 2020
Journal Title: KnE Material Sciences
Issue title: IV Congress “Fundamental Research and Applied Developing of Recycling and Utilization Processes of Technogenic Formations” Volume 2020
Pages: 197–202
The possibility of hydrometallurgical treatment of old flotation tailings to extract base and noble metals was investigated. Two samples of old flotation tailings samples containing 0.26% and 0.36% of copper, and 0.22% and 0.23% of zinc were the subjects of this study. Agitation and percolator leaching was performed with distilled water and sulfuric acid solutions (of 0.5 to 10% H2SO4). It was shown that under certain conditions (sulfuric acid concentration) it was possible to achieve selective leaching of non-ferrous metals and obtain solutions with relatively low concentrations of iron ions, which is necessary for further effective extraction of non-ferrous metal ions from the solution. The effect of acid leaching on further gold recovery from the first sample containing 0.7 g/t of gold by cyanidation was investigated. The sample of the tailings after leaching with a 1% sulfuric acid solution was leached with 10% sulfuric acid. After that, the tailings sample and the acid leach residues were subjected to sorption cyanidation. Two-stage acid leaching with 1 and 10% sulfuric acid provided the higher gold recovery than one-stage (49 and 65%, respectively). Also it was shown that pregnant solution obtained during leaching of the second sample with 10% sulfuric acid may be used for oxidative leaching of substandard copper-zinc concentrate that allowed to 13 and 48% of copper and zinc from the concentrate during the leaching at 80∘C.
Keywords: flotation tailings, leaching, substandard sulfide concentrates
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