KnE Material Sciences
ISSN: 2519-1438
The latest conference proceedings on physical materials, energy materials, electrical materials.
Modified Collector: New Approaches
Published date: Dec 31 2020
Journal Title: KnE Material Sciences
Issue title: IV Congress “Fundamental Research and Applied Developing of Recycling and Utilization Processes of Technogenic Formations” Volume 2020
Pages: 120–123
The process of complex raw materials is currently characterized by the fine-dispersed mineralogical structure and difficult structural characteristics complicating the flotation process. In this study, the processing methods for flotation of Aktogay deposits of copper-molybdenum ore were performed by using basic and modified agents. The properties of modified collector based on Kumkol deposit and diesel fuel were studied using the standard methods. The testing technology included the grinding of initial ore to a particle size of 65% of the class -0.074 mm, collective flotation to produce coarse copper-molybdenum concentrate, desorption, regrinding of the collective copper-molybdenum concentrate to 95% of the class -0.074 mm, selection of the collective concentrate. It was established that this application increased the extraction of copper/molybdenum concentrate by 3.8 % without loss of concentrate quality. This technology is applicable to mining and beneficiation enterprises processing molybdenum ores.
Keywords: copper, molybdenum concentrate, modified agent
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