KnE Materials Science
ISSN: 2519-1438
The latest conference proceedings on physical materials, energy materials, electrical materials.
A Study of Thin TiNi Fibers Superelasticity
Published date: Jul 17 2017
Journal Title: KnE Materials Science
Issue title: Shape Memory Biomaterials and Implants in Medicine (SMBIM)
Pages: 115-120
Thin TiNi fibers which having superelasticity with diameter from 90 to 30 mm obtained from medical application alloy TN-10 by traction across dies with interval annealings are researched. Fine TiNi alloy fibers diameter of 90 to 30 microns having superelastic properties, obtained from TN-10 alloy for medical purposes by traction through dies with intermediate annealing. Availability superelastic properties allow thin fibers to function long in the body as the implant material. The optimum temperature superelastic properties of thin fibers with a diameter 90-30 mm was determined. It has been shown that with decreasing fibers diameter from 90 to 30 mm maximum temperature manifestations superelastic properties without residual deformation is shifted to higher temperatures, reaching values of 93 -95 °Cfor 30 mm diameter fibers.
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