KnE Material Sciences
ISSN: 2519-1438
The latest conference proceedings on physical materials, energy materials, electrical materials.
Structure and Properties of Porous Alloys Based on NiTi Doped by Al, Fabricated by SHS-method
Published date: Jul 17 2017
Journal Title: KnE Material Sciences
Issue title: Shape Memory Biomaterials and Implants in Medicine (SMBIM)
Pages: 62-71
The effect of aluminum doping of porous TiNi-based alloy on structure, penetrability, strength properties and characteristic temperature intervals of martensitic transformations, multiple shape memory effect (MSME) parameters were studied. In this paper porous alloys from mixture of titanium, nickel and aluminum (CAl=0-2.0 at. %) powders were obtained by self propagation high temperature synthesis (SHS-method). Aluminum additives allow to obtain a material which is characterized by an increased content of fine pores 10-20 mm, uniform pore size distribution, an increased level of strength. The optimum concentration of Al to obtain high properties of material was defined. The porous TiNi-based alloys doped with aluminum are promising to solve a number of complex medical problems, such as in vascular surgery and cellular technologies.
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