KnE Materials Science

ISSN: 2519-1438

The latest conference proceedings on physical materials, energy materials, electrical materials.

Forecasting Durability and Cyclic Strength of Aluminum Alloy AA2219 Using Fractal Analysis of Acoustic Emission

Published date: Oct 12 2016

Journal Title: KnE Materials Science

Issue title: IV Sino-Russian ASRTU Symposium on Advanced Materials and Processing Technology (ASRTU)

Pages: 161-167

DOI: 10.18502/kms.v1i1.579


Acoustic emission (AE) monitoring was used to examine the fatigue failure of aluminum alloy AA2219 under cyclic loading. AE fractal analysis revealed separate sources of elastic waves on the macro-, meso-, and micro-levels of the deformed material. The correlation between the number of AE hits, revealed during the first loading cycle, from the AE sources was shown on the macrolevel and the number of loading cycles, leading to the destruction of the sample. Results achieved allow forecasting durability of materials made of AA2219 alloy right after the first loading half-cycle.


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