KnE Materials Science

ISSN: 2519-1438

The latest conference proceedings on physical materials, energy materials, electrical materials.

Heating Kinetics Simulation During Spark-Plasma Sintering of Non-Conductive Materials

Published date: May 06 2018

Journal Title: KnE Materials Science

Issue title: 15th International School-Conference "New Materials – Materials of Innovative Energy" (MIE)

Pages: 575–585

DOI: 10.18502/kms.v4i1.2212


The simulation of aluminum oxide spark-plasma sintering has been carried out during this research, namely the temperature field distribution in the sample volume and mold at different heating phases. The research work was based on experimental data on the measurement of temperature on the matrix surface, in its hole and various internal parts, including the punches, in the absence of thermal insulating felt. It was experimentally discovered that the key source of heat release up to temperatures 1300-1400 ∘C is the contact resistance at the matrix punch boundaries. Then the heat dissipation zone moves towards the punches. The collected data helped to figure out thermal and electrical parameters for the materials used in the die mold. They provided a good coincidence of the observed and calculated figures of heat distribution at different temperatures. The parameters helped to calculate the temperature fields in the die molds with heat-insulating felts.

Keywords: spark-plasma sintering, finite element modeling, temperature distribution, electric and thermal contact.


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