KnE Materials Science

ISSN: 2519-1438

The latest conference proceedings on physical materials, energy materials, electrical materials.

Surface Hardening Low Alloy Structural Steel By Laser Welding

Published date: May 06 2018

Journal Title: KnE Materials Science

Issue title: 15th International School-Conference "New Materials – Materials of Innovative Energy" (MIE)

Pages: 440–450

DOI: 10.18502/kms.v4i1.2196


The paper studied the degree of surface hardening of various low-alloy structural steels by laser weld overlays. Laser welding carried out on the ”Scanner” and «Huffman HC-205.” Studies have been conducted microstructure and elemental composition of built-up layers and the heat-affected zones on steel substrates
selected by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis. There were also measured the microhardness and built according to the changes in the thickness microhardness themselves claddings and heat-affected zones. As a result, the optimal modes of application of the laser weld overlays on the substrate, allowing to minimize the size of the heat-affected zones and differences in microhardness values, which
reduces the likelihood of cracks and discontinuities.

Keywords: surface hardening, nickel alloy, laser cladding


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