KnE Materials Science

ISSN: 2519-1438

The latest conference proceedings on physical materials, energy materials, electrical materials.

Contribution of Hardening Mechanism to VVER-1000 RPV Welds Flux Effect

Published date: May 06 2018

Journal Title: KnE Materials Science

Issue title: 15th International School-Conference "New Materials – Materials of Innovative Energy" (MIE)

Pages: 414–420

DOI: 10.18502/kms.v4i1.2192


Systematic differences in the radiation embrittlement kinetics of steels irradiated with different fluxes requires a clear understanding and assessment of the mechanisms responsible for the flux effect. This paper presents results of research of hardening mechanism contribution to flux effect of VVER-1000 reactor pressure vessel (RPV) welds. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atom probe tomography (APT) investigations were carried out. Studies of hardening phases of RPV-steel (VVER-1000) after accelerated irradiation allowed to estimate the contribution of the hardening mechanism to flux effect.

Keywords: reactor pressure vessel, hardening mechanism, flux effect


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