KnE Materials Science

ISSN: 2519-1438

The latest conference proceedings on physical materials, energy materials, electrical materials.

Method of Differential Chronoscopy of Unstable Regimes of Combustion Wave Distribution

Published date: May 06 2018

Journal Title: KnE Materials Science

Issue title: 15th International School-Conference "New Materials – Materials of Innovative Energy" (MIE)

Pages: 332–341

DOI: 10.18502/kms.v4i1.2184


In this paper, mathematical methods for processing a video signal of a high-speed television measuring system are considered. They allow us to determine the unstable combustion regimes in the technology of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS). The registration of the propagation of the SAF combustion wave was carried out using an optoelectronic micro-pyrometry complex of nanosecond resolution
based on the super high-speed television camera ”Video SprintNG”. The result of the 2D visualization of the heat transfer velocity of the SHS wave was obtained by interpreting the difference in the coordinates of the wave front along the entire series of thermal imaging video frames, and indicates that the structure of the DCS is more ordered in time and allows one to judge the spatial and temporal ”coherence” of the SHS wave. To detect the transient modes of SHS, the method of pattern recognition based on the Trace transform was used.

Keywords: high-speed television recording, differential chronoscopy, trace transform, SHS combustion wave.


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