KnE Material Sciences
ISSN: 2519-1438
The latest conference proceedings on physical materials, energy materials, electrical materials.
Physio-mechanical Materials Testing Using Scanning Contact Potentiometry Method
Published date: May 06 2018
Journal Title: KnE Material Sciences
Issue title: 15th International School-Conference "New Materials – Materials of Innovative Energy" (MIE)
Pages: 155–167
To study the processes of forming and growing embryonic fatigue cracks in steel EI-847 when tested under a uniaxial tension at constant load; adapting the method of scanning contact potentiometry using the INSTRON-5982 machine. The embryo was detected on the sample surface- in the yield point- and stably tracked by the
equipment indications at higher loads up to the fracture point.
Keywords: scanning contact potentiometry, electrical non-destructive testing, tension testing, fatigue crack, time-frequency signal analysis.
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