KnE Life Sciences

ISSN: 2413-0877

The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.


Published date: Feb 01 2015

Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences

Issue title: International Symposium on Aquatic Product Processing (ISAPPROSH) 2013

Pages: 141-155

DOI: 10.18502/kls.v1i0.98


Sri PurwaningsihAquatic Product Technology Studies Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University

Ekowati HandharyaniClinical Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University

Aditya Yudha Prawira SukarnoAquatic Product Technology Studies Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University


Prevalence of liver disease more increased. Imfflamation in liver tissue caused by free radical metabolism results of toxic compounds such as alcohol, paracetamol, and carbon tetrachloride (CCL4). Rhizophora mucronata has been higher antioxidant activities and reported as hepatoprotector. This research was aimed to investigate activity of mangrove propagule (R.mucronata) as a hepatoprotector and determined the effect levels of specific liver enzymes, liver MDA, and histopathological studies. Rhizophora mucronata was extracted by ethanol 95% solvent (b:v)(1:5). There were 21 rats randomly divided into 7 following groups (n=3), they were group I allowed fed with standard pellet, group II was positive control induced CCL4 dose 2 ml/kg BW, group III, IV, V, and VI were induced by CCL dose 2 ml/kg BW and given consecutively the mangrove extract 1 mg/kg BW, 5 mg/kg BW, 15 mg/kg BW, and 25 mg/kg BW. Result showed the extract did not affect significantly (p>0.05) to decreased level of AST enzyme and the best value owned of 15 mg/kg BW treatment with AST levels as 187 U/L. In contrast, extract R.mucronata effected significantly different (p<0.05) on ALT levels with the best value in 5 mg/kg BW treatment. R.mucronata did not effect significantly (p>0.05) of MDA level in liver, and decreased with the best result in 5 mg/kg BW treatment. Histopatological studies showed a protective effect and cell recovery of the liver induced CCL4.

Keywords: Antoxidant, Hepatoprotective, Mangrove propagule (R.mucronata) 


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