KnE Life Sciences

ISSN: 2413-0877

The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.

Increase of Onion Productivity by Regulation of Growing Technology Elements

Published date: Apr 05 2021

Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences

Issue title: DonAgro: International Research Conference on Challenges and Advances in Farming, Food Manufacturing, Agricultural Research and Education

Pages: 15–22

DOI: 10.18502/kls.v0i0.8913


Svetlana Avdeenko awdeenkoss@mail.ruDon State Agrarian University, Russia

Aleksey AvdeenkoDon State Agrarian University, Russia

Igor FetyukhinDon State Agrarian University, Russia

Natalya RyabtsevaDon State Agrarian University, Russia


This article describes the impact of growth regulators used as foliar dressing on the high-quality commercial production of Mars and Candy F1 hybrid onion bulbs grown in the Rostov Region. The highest yield of finished product per 1 thousand m2 of leaf area and 1 thousand units of photosynthetic potential (PSP) was observed when the Candy and Mars hybrids were treated with Novosil (3.9-4.1 t and 45.0-47.0 kg, respectively), which also produced the highest rates of net photosynthesis productivity: 8.5-8.7 g / m2 per day. The effect of the agent on growth processes was slightly more effective in the Candy hybrid. It was established that the use of Novosil and Immunocytophytes foliar dressing in growing technology makes it possible to obtain the Mars and Candy hybrids at the level of 49.0-50.1 t / ha, reduce the consumption of additional irrigation water per unit of production and improve the quality of commercial onion bulbs and their storage for a long winter period. The increase in storage resulting from the use of Novosil occurred due to the decrease in the natural loss and mass of the sprouted bulbs.

Keywords: onion, hybrid, yield, stimulant fertilizer, storage, quality


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