KnE Life Sciences

ISSN: 2413-0877

The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.


Published date: Feb 01 2015

Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences

Issue title: International Symposium on Aquatic Product Processing (ISAPPROSH) 2013

Pages: 77-84

DOI: 10.18502/kls.v1i0.89


Sri Wahyunisriwahyuni_aan@yahoo.comFood Technology Dept. Halu Oleo University,


Shrimp processing industries produces shrimp waste by 30-75% is wasted without being processed causing environmental pollution. The purpose of this study examines efforts to produce monomers of chitin hydrolysis of colloidal chitin compound derived from shrimp shells are chemically (hydrochloric acid and nitric acid) to produce N acetyl glucosamine bioactive compounds that have health benefits. The method used in this study is the optimization of chemical hydrolysis conditions using a solution of HCl and HNO3. On determining the optimum time to sample variation colloidal chitin 0,5%, 1% and 2%, the sample is heated with time variation 1,3,6, 9,12, and 24 hours at a temperature of 60 oC and the concentration of acid was 4 M. In the determination of the optimum temperature, each sample was heated at a temperature variation of 40, 60, and 80 oC at the optimum time (9 hours ) and acid concentration of 4 M. In the determination of the optimum concentration of acid, each sample was heated at a temperature and the optimum reaction time. Production results showed the highest compound N acetyl glucosamine as 623.3 ppm, using hydrochloric acid hydrolysis reaches optimum temperature 40° C, the optimum reaction time 9 hours, the optimum concentration of 4 M hydrochloric acid, the concentration of 2% colloidal chitin. Production of N acetyl glucosamine supreme as 625.83 ppm, using nitric acid hydrolysis reaches optimum temperature 60° C, the optimum reaction time 9 hours, the optimum concentration of 4M nitric acid, and the concentration of 1% colloidal chitin. Therefore we can conclude the results of 1% colloidal chitin hydrolysis using nitric acid more efficiently produce N acetyl glucosamine than hydrochloric acid, due to the temperature, reaction time, and acid concentration are not the same ability to hydrolyze colloidal chitin. Differences in the results of hydrolysis reached 11,59 ppm.

Keywords : Chitin, N acetyl glucosamine, acid hydrolysis, optimum reaction 


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