KnE Life Sciences

ISSN: 2413-0877

The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.

Variability of Winter Wheat Quality Features in Northern Trans-Urals

Published date: Nov 25 2019

Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences

Issue title: International Scientific and Practical Conference “AgroSMART – Smart Solutions for Agriculture”

Pages: 1211–1221

DOI: 10.18502/kls.v4i14.5719


Natalia A. Volkovanatuskas_@mail.ruAssociate Professor of the Department of General Chemistry, Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University Tyumen, Russia

Raisa I. BelkinaProfessor of the Department of Production, Storage and Processing Technology of Crop Production, Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University


The studies were carried out in laboratory conditions on the basis of the Agrotechnological Institute of Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University. The studies include 5 varieties of winter wheat grown in 2009-2011 in three agroclimatic zones of Tyumen Region: sub-regional (Nizhnetavdinsky state crop testing site), northern forest steppe (Yalutorovsky state crop testing site), southern forest steppe (Berduzhsky state crop testing site). Bashkirskaya variety – 10 (45 g) demonstrated the highest potential in the formation of a 1000 grain weight. The same variety has the highest range of variability (11.7 g) and the variability coefficient (10.9%) indicates average variability. Other varieties showed minor variability of characteristic (V = 8.7-9.9%). Winter wheat varieties varied in terms of average hardness, at the same time the level of values of all varieties (66-77%) corresponded to the standards of high classes according to GOST. Novosibirskayaaya 32 (61-93%) and Bashkirskaya 10 (60-86%) varieties were the most stable in forming the required value of characteristic. The average gluten content in a grain of winter wheat varieties was corresponded to the standards of the third class according to GOST. Novosibirskaya 32 variety (V = 8.5%) had minor variability of the characteristic, while other varieties demonstrated the average variability. A significant proportion of the effect of the “variety” factor on the variability of such features as a 1000 grain weight (56.5%), grain-unit (50.5%) and hardness (45.1%) was established. The amount of gluten depended more on the growing environment (35.5%) and interaction of factors (39.3%). The quality of gluten was much influenced by the growing environment (52.2%).


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