KnE Life Sciences
ISSN: 2413-0877
The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.
Technological Properties of Grain Varieties of Strong and Valuable Wheat in the Northern Forest-steppe of the Tyumen Region
Published date: Nov 25 2019
Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences
Issue title: International Scientific and Practical Conference “AgroSMART – Smart Solutions for Agriculture”
Pages: 1023–1037
The article presents the results of the technological properties of grain of strong wheat varieties Novosibirskaya 15, Novosibirskaya 29, SKENT-1 and valuable Iren, Krasnoufimskaya 100, Lutescens 70, Tyumenskaya 25. The results of the evaluation of the mixing ability of flour of varieties of strong wheat are presented. The varieties of spring soft wheat were grown in 2010–2012 on the experimental field of Agrotechnological Institute of the SAU of the Northern Trans-Urals (the zone of the northern forest-steppe of the Tyumen region). The soil of the experimental field is leached chernozem, heavy loam in granulometric composition. The predecessor is annual herbs. The fertilizers were applied in the amount of 4 t/ha per grain yield. Soil cultivation is generally accepted for the culture in the zone. Laboratory studies were performed in the laboratories of the Agrobiotechnological Center of State Agrarian University of Northern Trans-Urals and Kurgan Research Institute of Agriculture. The results showed that by type of grain Tyumenskaya 25 showed the best results: high rates in 2010 and 2011 (781 and 787 g/l) and higher rates compared to the other varieties in arid period in 2012 (723 g/l). By the number of gluten, strong wheat varieties Novosibirskaya 15 and Novosibirskaya 29, valuable wheat varieties Iren and Tyumen 25 corresponded to the standards of the first class of GOST (at least 32 %). The same varieties were distinguished by the highest physical properties of the test when evaluated on a pharynograph and alveograph. The standards for strong wheat corresponded to the volume of bread from flour varieties Novosibirskaya 15 (1355 cm3) and Novosibirskaya 29 (1207 cm3). The mixing ability of flour of a strong wheat variety of Novosibirskaya 15 was manifested to a greater extent in the variant with a share of 50 % in a mixture with weak wheat. The improvement effect was 20–24 %. Under the conditions of production experience, the mixing ability of flour of strong wheat variety Novosibirskaya 29 when added to flour from grain of Ikar grade was also the highest in the variant with a ratio of 50: 50 %. The improvement effect was 29 %.
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