KnE Life Sciences
ISSN: 2413-0877
The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.
Yield and Quality of Iren Wheat Grain Depending on Mineral Nutrition in the Tyumen Region
Published date: Nov 25 2019
Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences
Issue title: International Scientific and Practical Conference “AgroSMART – Smart Solutions for Agriculture”
Pages: 982–991
In the last decade, Ural and Siberian breeders have created a series of valuable and strong varieties of spring soft wheat, which have mainly successfully passed the State Variety Testing and are included in the Register of breeding achievements in 10 regions. These include the Irene variety, which is sown not only in Western Siberia, but also in Eastern Siberia and other regions of the country. It is well adapted to the conditions of the Tyumen region. The variety has been grown here for 13 years, but the variety technology has not yet been fully developed. It is cultivated according to generally accepted technology. Taking into account the current situation with the variety, we are conducting research on the development of elements of varietal technology. The article analyzes the results of the impact of mineral nutrition levels on the yield and quality of grain of spring soft wheat variety Irene in KRiMM Uporvo district of Tyumen region. Over the years of research (2016–2018), it was established that the leached black soil in the control version without mineral fertilizers yielded 2.57 t/ha of early maturing Irene variety. The variety reacts positively to the application of mineral fertilizers up to the yield level of 5 t/ha. At the same time, the yield is combined with the quality of grain. Profitability of application of mineral fertilizers for the yield of 4 and 5 tons per hectare was 130.7 and 139.5 %, respectively. In the control version it was 61.3 %. Irene variety is well adapted to the conditions of the Tyumen region, it is necessary to continue the study of other elements of the variety.
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