KnE Life Sciences
ISSN: 2413-0877
The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.
Obtain and Application of Surface-active Substance on the Base of Products Refination of Cotton Seed Oil
Published date: Nov 25 2019
Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences
Issue title: International Scientific and Practical Conference “AgroSMART – Smart Solutions for Agriculture”
Pages: 937–945
The article the results of investigation on obtaining of surface-active substance -SAS on the waste cotton oil for drilling of wells and intensification of the flotation process are presented. The main component of new SAS are waste, cotton oil refinery and chemical plants. SAS have hudrophobization (waterproof) action on easy-swelling rocks (clays, argellites, alevrolits). Direct water emulsions obtained from reagents have low viscosity, high stability and low filtration index. There reagents have influence at drilling tools (that is they increase the life of drilling bits and diamond bits) [1, 2]. The study flotation enrichments of copper-molybdic ore is revealed characteristic foam-former and collector surface-active substances (NA-1) and is simulation one oily provided creation without minerals fields extraction of gold and color metals has been determined. Optimal conditions of the syntheses: ratio of main components, time of reaction, temperature and concentration have been determined. The comparison of new SAS with other foreing analogies was carried out. The main colloidal-chemical characteristic of synthesized SAS: surface activity, adsorption, viscosity, concentration of micelle- formation have been determined. Technology of obtain of anion surfaceactive substances from local organic raw material was elaborated, which by qualitative characteristics is a substitute of the import reagent collector and foam-former [4, 5]. Dependence on obtained product from the temperature of the process, time of reactions, ratio of initial components optimal concentration of NaOH was investigated. The foam forming ability of the new reagents in comparison with standard reagent T-92 was determined and it was shown that by best ability of forms destruction the methyl syloxane’s liquid and mineral oil have possessed.The intensifications of the process of flotation’s enrichment of copper-molybdic ore with using new obtain reagent NA-1 was offered.
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