KnE Life Sciences

ISSN: 2413-0877

The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.

Clinical-laboratory Manifestations of Myocarditis in Dogs

Published date: Nov 25 2019

Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences

Issue title: International Scientific and Practical Conference “AgroSMART – Smart Solutions for Agriculture”

Pages: 820–832

DOI: 10.18502/kls.v4i14.5679


Valeriy of Obstetrics, Surgery and Non-Communicable Diseases of Animals, ”Ivanovskaya GSCH Aim. D.K. Belyaeva”, Ivanovo, Russia

Ludmila KletikovaDepartment of Obstetrics, Surgery and Non-Communicable Animal Diseases, Ivanovo, Russia

Alexanderx MartynovDepartment of Obstetrics, Surgery and Non-Communicable Animal Diseases, Ivanovo, Russia

Victoria KhrushchevaDepartment of Obstetrics, Surgery and Non-Communicable Animal Diseases, Ivanovo, Russia


The leading clinical signs of myocarditis in dogs were the sudden development of signs of disease, refusal to eat, dyspnea at rest, rapid fatigue. At the diagnostic stage, the position of animals forced, lying, increased breathing speed up to 60-72 movements per minute, pale visible mucous membranes and conjunctiva, weak filling of pulse, rapid filling of capillaries, high blood pressure, increase in the number of leukocytes up to 25–27×109/l, SRS up to 15,4–17,4 mg/l, troponin up to 3,85–4,2 ng/ml. Electrocardiographic study established sinus or ectopic rhythm, heart rate 133– 198 oz/min, conductivity disturbance and deceleration. ECHOKG showed moderate expansion of the left ventricle, moderate expansion of the left atrium. Sealing of the mitral valve leaves, regurgitation on the mitral valve of the first degree. Left ventricular myocardium is inhomogeneous, wall echogenicity is increased. Fraction of contractility 16–18 %. After establishment of a dietary regime and correction of conditions of the maintenance, to dogs strictly with a twelve-hour interval twice a day are appointed vedmedin (0,25 mg/kg), sotalol (1,5 mg/kg), sinulox (20 mg/kg), mexidol-vet (1 table), verospheron (1 mg/kg). As a result of four-week monitoring of patients’ condition positive results were noted: lack of dyspnea, normalization of pulse rate and blood pressure, reduction of capillary filling rate up to 1 second, leukocyte concentration up to 12,6–15,7 ×109/l, SRS up to 1,3–1,4 mg/l, troponin up to 0,09–0,17 ng/ml. The electrocardiographic study showed a decrease in the height of teeth R and P, increase in the intervals P-Q and Q-T. The sinus rhythm is irregular. Echokg showed expansion of the left ventricle, moderate expansion of the left atrium. Sealing of mitral valve leaves, regurgitation on mitral valve of the first degree. Left ventricular myocardium is less heterogeneous, wall echogenicity is increased. Fraction of contractility 23–24 %. It is difficult to predict the outcome of the disease at this stage, as the age of dogs is 7–12 years, and in many respects the quality of life will be provided by their owners.


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