KnE Life Sciences
ISSN: 2413-0877
The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.
Diagnosis of Tendinites in Sport Horses
Published date: Nov 25 2019
Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences
Issue title: International Scientific and Practical Conference “AgroSMART – Smart Solutions for Agriculture”
Pages: 653–658
Sports horses during training and sporting events get injured to both the thoracic and pelvic limbs in the area of the metacarpus and metatarsus. In this regard, for the differential diagnosis of defeat tendon and ligament and other defeats of the limbs, biochemical blood parameters have been explored related to inflammation markers by visual studies in addition to clinical assessment of the intensity of inflammatory processes. Inflammatory processes in the animal’s body are judged by the results of aspirin test, by the level of molecules of average weight, sialic acids, circulating immune complexes. The research revealed changes in the blood of sick horses relatively to healthy ones. Some indicators of markers of inflammation were different: so indicators of aspirin test in the blood of sick animals it was at the level of – 0.028±0.002 c.u. in the blood of healthy animals it was – 0.015±0.002 c.u.; molecules of average weight in diseased animals were level – 0.216±0.009 c.u. and in healthy animals, this indicator was significantly lower and were 0.134±0.004 c.u.; index of sialic acid in the blood of sick animals was at the level of – 2.136±0.059 mmol/l, and in healthy horses – 0.419±0.027 mmol/l; circulating immune complexes in the concentration of PEG – 4.14% in sick horses were – 0.097±0.009 c.u. and in healthy – 0.149±0.011 c.u., at PEG 7.25 % in sick animals reached – 0.343±0.015 c.u. and – 0,174±0,011 c.u. in healthy horses; the content of lysozyme in the blood of sick horses was 145.71±3.98 mg/l, and in healthy animals – 143.57±3.97 mg/l. These studies suggest that changes in these indicators associated with the pathology of tendon-ligamentous apparatus of the limbs of sport horses.
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