KnE Life Sciences
ISSN: 2413-0877
The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.
Distribution of Eimeria Species and Their Associations in the Farms of the Udmurt Republic
Published date: Nov 25 2019
Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences
Issue title: International Scientific and Practical Conference “AgroSMART – Smart Solutions for Agriculture”
Pages: 433–439
The purpose of the research was to determine and comparatively analyze the degree of distribution of eimeria species in the northern, central and southern zones of Udmurtia and to identify various associations of these protozoa in farms. The studies of animals of black-motley, Holstein and holsteined black-motley breeds of animals aged 1–16 months, as well as heifers and cows in three zones of the Udmurt Republic showed that eimeriosis is recorded in all experimental farms regardless of the technology of keeping and breed of animals. In order to determine the species of eimeria, the method of oocysts culturing in a thermostat at 25–28 ∘C in a 2% solution of potassium dichromate was used [5]. The results of our studies showed that eight species of bovine eimeria are recorded in animals from the farms of the Udmurt Republic. In the farm located in the central region, the maximum prevalence rate was noted and the clinical signs of eimeriosis are most manifested, up to the death. In our opinion, this is due both to the high prevalence rates, a high percentage of infestation with the most pathogenic species, such as E.zuernii and E. bovis, and mixed infections, the most common of which are the following: E.zuernii + E.bovis; E.zuernii + E.bovis + E.ellipsoidalis; E.zuernii + E.bovis + E.bukidnonensis; E.zuernii + E.bovis+E.subspherica; E.zuernii + E.bovis + E.ellipsoidalis + E.auburnensis; E.zuernii + E.bovis + E.ellipsoidalis + E.auburnensis + E.bukidnonensis + E.subspherica + E.brasiliensis + E.alabamensis.
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