KnE Life Sciences
ISSN: 2413-0877
The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.
Use of Local Natural Resources to Reduce the Chernobyl Radiocesium Trace in Agriculture
Published date: Nov 25 2019
Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences
Issue title: International Scientific and Practical Conference “AgroSMART – Smart Solutions for Agriculture”
Pages: 396–402
The search for ways to reduce the Chernobyl radiocesium trace in agriculture has been a relevant task in Kaluga Region for many decades. This problem particularly concerns personal subsidiary farms that did not take any centralized protective measures on rehabilitation of polluted soils. In this regard the purpose of the study was to develop measures of safe economic use of personal subsidiary garden soils and natural meadows as hayfields and pastures. The study utilizes comparative and analytical, instrumental and statistical methods. Based on the study of dynamics of natural change of specific activity of meadow plant formation, alluvial soil and cattle milk the half-reduction period for the level of bioproduct pollution within 7–8 years caused by stronger binding and physical disintegration of radiocesium is defined. Seasonal dynamics of radiocesium reduction in hay of a meadow ecosystem and milk of cows of personal subsidiary plots from April to July of the vegetative period is established. The radio reclamative ability of activated sludge and ground tripolite when receiving products in personal subsidiary plots is proved.
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