KnE Life Sciences
ISSN: 2413-0877
The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.
Conceptual Relation Between Quality of Life and Environmentally Friendly Food
Published date: Nov 20 2019
Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences
Issue title: International Scientific and Practical Conference “AgroSMART – Smart Solutions for Agriculture”
One of the most important indicators of the quality of life is environmentally friendly nutrition implying the use and rational combination of eco-friendly raw materials contained in recipes of new generation products, thus guaranteeing full supply of food and biologically active agents to all vital systems of an organism. The development of the society fosters the increasing interdependence and interconditionality of processes within the “nature-person-society” system. The current environmental situation brought the problem of environmental culture and its role in the optimization of socionatural interaction to the foreground. The paper presents the materials of theoretical justification of conceptual relations between the quality of life and eco-friendly nutrition; it describes pilot studies of safety indicators, polysaccharide composition of aromatic plants for their use in the production of functional food to enrich the composition with protective components. It is established that the studied aromatic plants (AP) growing in environmentally friendly territories of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania are characterized by low weight ratio of toxic substances (below admissible hygienic standards), high content of dietary fibers (DF). The sorption capacity of AP powders in relation to lead is studied. All studied powders of AP modification products are characterized by high sorption capacity. The technologies of flour food with addition of AP powders are developed. It is revealed that in comparison with control samples certain flour food products almost twice reduce the lead content in the blood of laboratory infant rats.
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