KnE Life Sciences

ISSN: 2413-0877

The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.

Work Load Analysis of Implementing Nurses at Room Medical Surgery Rsud Cibabat Cimahi

Published date: Oct 09 2019

Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences

Issue title: The 2019 International Conference on Healthcare and Technology (ICHT 2019)

Pages: 726–736

DOI: 10.18502/kls.v4i13.5331


Ero Haryantoeroharyanto@gmail.comHealth Polytechnic TNI AU Ciumbuleuit

Nanan SekarwanaDepartment of Medicine, Padjadjaran University

Irman SomantriDepartment of Basic Nursing, Padjadjaran University

Nanan SekarwanaDepartment of Medicine, Padjadjaran University


Thequalityofnursingserviceswhichisprovidedtopatientsisinfluencedbythequality of care. Nurse workload is part of the quality of care. Several studies of workloads using different methods have been done and each of them has advantages and disadvantages. Work sampling technique, as well as time and motion study technique from several previous studies, were only used in the room with treatment cases for one of the cases of internal medicine or surgery. The research method used descriptive method.Theresearchsampleof96observationalactivitieswasdonebynursesfor24 hours. The instrument that was used was an observation sheet to obtain quantitative data using a work sampling form as well as time and motion study. The workload calculation done by analyzing the comparison of the percentage of productive activity implementation time and nonproductive activity implementation time.Highworkload> 80%, optimum = 80%, light<80% of the total time done by nurses. The results showed that the workload of nurses included in the mild category (58.75%), with the tendency of nurses to be in the category of personal activities especially during the nightshift.In nursing care wound care requiresthe mosttime with an average time of 23 minutes 14 seconds,whiletheleastamountoftimeisintheactofreplacingintravenousfluidsfor1 minute8seconds.Research implications nurses need to increase productive activities, especially in the night shift by monitoring each patient’s room scheduled alternately.


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