KnE Life Sciences
ISSN: 2413-0877
The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.
Relationship between Student’s Anxiety Level and the Grade Achievement of Medical Surgical Nursing Clinical Practice
Published date: Oct 09 2019
Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences
Issue title: The 2019 International Conference on Healthcare and Technology (ICHT 2019)
Pages: 697–704
Clinicalpracticelearningisthemainfactorthatsupportsteachingandlearningprocess in nursing education to produce quality graduates who are competent in their fields. One of the inhibiting factors for achieving student’s competence is anxiety before and during clinical practice. The aim of this study was to find out the characteristics of respondents, student anxiety levels, grade of clinical practice and the relationship between students’ anxiety level and the grade achievement of Medical Surgical Nursing clinical practice. Cross sectional research design was utilized to conduct this study on 101 total sample of diploma nursing students from school of health science Panti Rapih. Technique using the HARS questionnaires, and analyze used Sprearman’s. The study was conducted in Dec 2018-Feb 2019. Result showed that more than half (86.1%)of respondents were female,andaged19yearsold.Student anxiety levels were 19.8% not anxiety, 24.8% mild anxiety, 32.7% moderate anxiety, 20.8% severe anxiety and 2% very severe anxiety. The grade rate for clinical nursing practice is 96.03%. AnalysisofdataSprearman’srhoshowednegativesignificantrelationshipbetweenthe level of anxiety and the grade achievement of the clinical practice clarity with p 0,345 (0.50). Conclution that there is no relationship between the level of anxiety and the grade achievement on medical surgical clinical practice.Suggestions before the clinical practice were held sharing from sister level about practical experience and clinical practice overview, and given overview of clinical setting using video.
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