KnE Life Sciences

ISSN: 2413-0877

The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.

Do the User of Nutrition Information System (SISFORNUTRIMIL) Application Have an Impact on Maternal Eating Behaviour and Pregnancy Outcomes?

Published date: Oct 09 2019

Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences

Issue title: The 2019 International Conference on Healthcare and Technology (ICHT 2019)

Pages: 429–436

DOI: 10.18502/kls.v4i13.5275


Mira Trisyani year PhD student University of Portsmouth, School of Health Sciences and Social Work, Portsmouth, UK

Saseendran PallikadavathProfessor of Demography and Global Health, School of Health Sciences and Social Work, Portsmouth, UK

Isobel RyderSenior Lecturer, School of Health Sciences and Social Work, Portsmouth, UK


Background: In several studies have reported that complications of pregnancy could be indicated by inadequate nutrition during pregnancy. In this regard, some of the pregnant women are limited-time engagement with health professionals, lack resources and education of nutrition, and consume unhealthy food. Often found that pregnant women and family are difficult to estimate nutrient intake in line with dietary targets and guidelines and nutrient reference value.TheNutritionalInformation System (SISFORNUTRIMIL) is an application which helps the pregnant women to estimate nutrient intake and record their food intake.

Objectives: The study aims to determine the maternal eating behaviour and pregnancy outcomes measurements.

Methods: This study involved two phases. Phase one: Conducting a literature search required engaging in an extensive and systematic search strategy to be able to identify articles related to this study. Step two: this study will randomized control trial (RCT) and allocate participants 1:1 to the SISFORNUTRIMIL application user and non-user application. The Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women of reproductive age (MDD-W) indicators and Adult Behaviour Eating Questionnaire (ABEQ) will be used to identify maternal eating behaviour. In additional, maternal weight gain, blood sample test, and birth weight examination used to measure pregnancy experience and pregnancy outcome.

Discussion: Nutrition intervention during pregnancy is an important strategy to improve health pregnancy in reduced the healthcare and health promotion issue. The SISFORNUTRIMIL application for individual preferences for nutrition intervention and optimal pregnancy outcomes, suggesting a need for food intake guidelines that facilitate pregnant women involvement in eating properly. Furthermore, this research as a proper foundation to contribute to decreasing the morbidity and mortality rate.


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